Don’t eat sweets before exercising

The three major reasons for failure to lose weight and how to do better weight loss and fitness exercises are already common, but people easily ignore fitness diet. When a person experiences a hypoglycemic reaction during training, drinking concentrated sugar water immediately is an effective way to deal with it. However, it would be a mistake to try to increase your body's glycogen reserves by eating sweets on an empty stomach before training. Why do you say this? What are the harms of eating sweets on an empty stomach? Theoretically, after people eat sweets, blood sugar in the body will rise. At this time, the body will release insulin to convert blood sugar into glycogen, thereby returning blood sugar to normal. If you eat sweets on an empty stomach, insulin will be released excessively, causing blood sugar to drop rapidly, and even cause hypoglycemia, forcing the body to release the second hormone - epinephrine, in order to return blood sugar to normal. The effects of these two hormones can cause dizziness, headache, sweating, and general weakness.

In addition, sweets can only provide calories to the body, but they are relatively lacking in nutrients such as vitamin B, fiber, and phospholipids, making the body unable to convert sugar into energy. Too much sugar and insufficient fiber in food can easily eliminate the normal flora in the intestines, and these normal flora can produce vitamins B2, B3, B12 and folic acid. Therefore, eating sweets on an empty stomach will not only cause hypoglycemia, but also cause nutritional deficiencies.

The harm of eating sweets on an empty stomach: Research by British physiologists Anna Firth and John Harding has shown that eating sweets on an empty stomach also impairs the absorption of various proteins in the human body. They placed various proteins in a solution with high sugar content and found that sugar would slowly combine with the protein, thus changing the protein molecular structure and reducing the nutritional value of the protein.