1. What do you eat first after getting up in the morning?
It is best to take 20---40 grams of whey protein powder that can be quickly absorbed by the body and 20---40 grams of carbohydrates that can be quickly absorbed by the body (such as white bread and sugar) immediately before preparing breakfast. ), the body quickly enters the synthesis state from the decomposition state it entered after a night.
2. How to arrange breakfast?
Breakfast is one of the most important meal times of the day. Other important meal times are before breakfast, before training and after training. 30-60 minutes after getting up to eat, you should arrange a hearty breakfast consisting of natural foods. There should be high-quality, high-protein foods, such as egg whites, and slow-digesting carbohydrates, such as oats or whole-wheat bread.
3. What type of high-protein drink is best between meals?
Actually the best choice between meals is 40 grams of casein powder.