You can ferment fruit juices and the peel, core, or even the entire fruit to make fruit vinegar. A common fruit vinegar is apple cider vinegar, but you can use a variety of fruits, including oranges, papayas, and mangoes.
Fruit vinegar is made from fermented fruit juice.
It’s widely touted as a health drink and has gained popularity for its purported weight loss, blood sugar-lowering, and antimicrobial benefits (1).
It’s highly acidic and popularly consumed raw or in salad dressings and marinades. You can make it at home or buy it at the store.
This article explains all that you need to know about fruit vinegar, including how it’s made, its potential benefits and downsides, and various ways use it.

What is fruit vinegar?
Fruit vinegar is a type of vinegar made by fermenting fruit juices.
Apple cider vinegar may be the most well-known type, but fruit vinegars can also be made from mango, plum, berries, papaya, grapes, peaches, citrus fruits like oranges, and an array of other fruits.
The ripe whole fruit — or scraps of fruits like the peel, core, and pits with attached fruit flesh — may be used. You can even use overripe fruit that isn’t too moldy.
In fact, one study suggests using overripe mango and papaya to make fruit vinegar and as a strategy to reduce food waste (2).
Fruit vinegar is highly acidic with a strong aroma and tart flavor due predominantly to acetic acid produced during fermentation. The vinegar also takes on some flavors and nutrients from the fruit that it’s made from (3).
SummaryFruit vinegar is made from the fermented fruit juices of apples, mangoes, plums, citrus fruits, grapes, berries, or other fruits. The whole fruit or fruit scraps may be used to produce it.
Potential health benefits of fruit vinegar
Many of the purported health benefits of fruit vinegars, such as apple cider vinegar, are attributed to its acetic acid content. Acetic acid is naturally found in some foods (1, 2, 3, 4).
Most vinegars contain 4–8% acetic acid, but fruit vinegars also contain health-promoting polyphenol compounds, antioxidants, and other organic acids like butyric acid (1, 3, 4).
Although most studies use apple cider vinegar, these findings may apply to other fruit vinegars.
May improve blood sugar
Research in mice suggests that supplementing a high fat diet with apple cider vinegar may reduce insulin resistance, increase insulin sensitivity, and lower blood sugar levels (3, 4, 5, 6).
Insulin is the hormone responsible for controling blood sugar levels. Insulin resistance may develop if your body becomes less sensitive to it or doesn’t respond to insulin’s effects (7).
Similarly, research in humans shows that taking 2/3–2 tablespoons (10–30 mL) of apple cider vinegar daily with a carb-rich meal may improve blood sugar in the short term (6).
Keep in mind that most research has occurred in animals and that and long-term effects of apple cider vinegar are unclear. As such, more human research is warranted.
May help lower cholesterol
Research notes that mice fed apple cider vinegar had improved levels of triglycerides, total cholesterol, and LDL (bad) cholesterol (3, 4, 5, 8).
There was also less fat accumulation in the liver and lower levels of VLDL cholesterol — the protein that transports cholesterol absorbed from foods in your gut to your liver (3, 4, 5, 8).
and potentially other fruit vinegars — may reduce the risk of metabolic syndrome, a condition that increases your risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes (9).
May reduce your appetite
Current and older research shows that acetate
a type of fatty acid found in the acetic acid in vinegar alters gut hormones and may suppress appetite (4, 10).One 12-week study showed a significant loss of fat and body weight in people with obesity who took vinegar. Rat studies also demonstrate weight loss effects of apple cider vinegar after 30 days (4, 11).
While more research is needed, fruit vinegars like apple cider vinegar have been popularized for their weight loss potential due to effects on appetite and body fat (4, 11).
SummaryThe acetic acid in fruit vinegar may confer several health benefits, such as lowering blood sugar, cholesterol, and appetite levels.
Does fruit vinegar have any downsides?
Long-term human research is lacking on the health effects of fruit vinegars.
One study suggests that many of the purported health effects of apple cider vinegar are under-validated and that it may have toxic effects, even at low concentrations of 0.7%. Most vinegars are about 5% acetic acid (12).
Yet, most studies focus on the effects of vinegar on tooth enamel.
For instance, current and older research demonstrate a higher prevalence of enamel erosion among vegetarians and others who regularly consume vinegar-based foods like salad dressings (13, 14).
Compared with dressings made from cream or milk, balsamic vinegar-based dressings caused more enamel erosion according to test-tube research (14).
These findings suggest that taking high amounts of fruit vinegar may harm dental health.
SummaryThere is little human research on the long-term health effects of fruit vinegars, though some research indicates certain toxic effects and erosion of tooth enamel.
How to make fruit vinegar
You may purchase raw fruit vinegar with the mother
vinegar that still contains fermenting yeasts and bacteria cultures or make your own at home.You can make it with 100% fruit juice or fruit and unchlorinated water. In both instances, the extracted fruit juice undergoes fermentation and alcohol phases to form the final vinegar product.
Here’s a basic walkthrough for making your own fruit vinegar.
1. Get fruit juice or make an infusion
You can purchase cold-pressed juice or 100% fruit juice without additives at the store.
Alternatively, make your own fruit infusion by soaking fruit in an airtight, transparent container like a Mason jar with unchlorinated water for 1–2 weeks. The water gradually absorbs some nutrients and flavor from the fruit.
2. Fermentation
Using a sieve, strain the homemade infusion into a food-grade container like a canning glass. If you purchased the juice, pour it directly into the canning glass.
You simply need to cover the canning glass with a breathable cloth to facilitate a natural fermentation process. Avoid fermenting the juice with a seal, as gas buildup may cause the glass to break.
Fruit yeasts like Saccharomyces cerevisia feed on the natural sugars in the fruit and produce alcohol and carbon dioxide gas as byproducts (15).
The activity of Saccharomyces cerevisia depends on the temperature and grows well at warmer temperatures of 54–90℉ (12–32°C). Keep your juice in this temperature range for 1–3 months (16).
3. Test and store
After the fermentation period, test that your vinegar is ready by pouring some into a jar, then sealing the jar and leaving it overnight. If it pops when you open it the next day, the yeast is still fermenting, and you’ll want to retest it in 1 week.
If it doesn’t pop, the vinegar is ready. Skim the top of the vinegar if bubbles formed, then store at room temperature out of direct sunlight or refrigerate for 6–12 months.
You may need to discard the vinegar if mold formed.
SummaryTo make fruit vinegar, ferment 100% fruit juice or infused fruit water for 1–3 months in a canning glass with a breathable cover. Skim the bubbly surface when the vinegar is ready and store for 6–12 months.
Ways to use fruit vinegar
Here are some ways that you can enjoy fruit vinegar:
- Raw. Drink 1/2–1 tablespoon (8–15 mL) of fruit vinegar with a carb-rich meal to help improve blood sugar levels.
- Diluted. Mix 1 tablespoon (15 mL) of fruit vinegar with 2–3 tablespoons (30-45 ml) of water. This may make it a little more palatable to drink.
- Salad dressing. Top your salad with 1–2 tablespoons (15–30 mL) of homemade balsamic vinaigrette made from fruit vinegar.
- Marinade. Use fruit vinegar to marinate meat or fish dishes.
- Switchel. Try this unique beverage made from fruit vinegar, ginger juice, water, and maple syrup.
Due to its potential to erode the tooth enamel, use fruit vinegar in moderation and practice good dental hygiene.
SummaryYour can drink fruit vinegar raw or diluted and use it to add to marinades, salad dressing, or beverages like switchel.
The bottom line
Fruit vinegar is made by fermenting juice from a variety of fruits, such as apples, mangoes, plums, berries, papaya, grapes, peaches, and oranges.
You can buy it ready-made at the store or made it at home by fermenting fruit juice for 1–3 months in a food-grade canning glass with a breathable cover.
Fruit vinegars contain acetic acid, which may improve blood sugar levels, lower cholesterol, and support weight loss.
Just one thing
Try this today: Concoct a fruit vinegar dressing by mixing 1/4 cup (60 mL) of extra virgin olive oil with 1 tablespoon (15 mL) each of fruit vinegar and honey to make a basic vinaigrette. Add Dijon mustard and garlic to suit your palate.