Green tea with lemon juice is a soothing beverage you can enjoy at any time of day.
It’s full of flavor, delicious, and easy to prepare.
It’s also highly nutritious, and research has found that it’s associated with a long list of potential health benefits.
Here are 10 of the top health benefits of green tea with lemon.

1. Rich in antioxidants
Green tea and lemons are both high in antioxidants, compounds that help protect against inflammation and cell damage due to oxidation.
Green tea, in particular, is rich in antioxidants such as epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), quercetin, chlorogenic acid, and theogallin (1).
Lemons are a good source of the antioxidants ascorbic acid, hesperidin, naringin, and ferulic acid (2).
Research suggests antioxidants play a key role in health and disease and may protect against chronic conditions, including heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and obesity (3).
SummaryGreen tea and lemons are high in antioxidants, which can help protect against inflammation and chronic conditions.
2. Promotes weight loss
Green tea with lemon can be a great addition to a healthy weight loss diet.
In fact, multiple studies have suggested that green tea can support weight loss and boost fat burning.
According to one review of 15 studies, drinking green tea with higher amounts of EGCG for at least 12 weeks was linked to decreases in body weight and body fat (4).
One study in 115 women also found that taking green tea extract for 12 weeks led to significant reductions in body weight, body mass index, and belly fat (5).
Although scientists need to do more research in humans, some studies suggest that lemons could also promote weight loss.
One animal study found that when mice were treated with citrus flavonoids, the size of their fat cells decreased. The citrus flavonoids also increased metabolism in mice fed a high fat diet (6).
Another animal study from 2008 found that feeding lemon polyphenols to mice on a high fat diet helped prevent them from gaining weight and accumulating fat (7).
SummaryStudies suggest that drinking green tea may help decrease body weight and body fat. Some animal studies have found that certain compounds in lemons could also help prevent weight gain.
3. Protects against diabetes
Interestingly, some research suggests that green tea could help improve blood sugar control and protect against type 2 diabetes.
According to one review, drinking tea is linked to a lower risk of type 2 diabetes and diabetes-related complications (8).
Drinking tea regularly may also reduce inflammation and enhance the body’s ability to use insulin efficiently. Insulin is the hormone that moves sugar from the bloodstream into the cells (8).
One study in 92 people with type 2 diabetes also found that taking green tea extract for 16 weeks reduced insulin resistance. This may help support better blood sugar control (9).
However, other studies have found mixed results, and scientists need to do more research on green tea and diabetes (10, 11, 12).
SummarySome studies have linked drinking green tea to a lower risk of type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance.
4. May enhance heart health
Research has found that both green tea and lemons are associated with several benefits for heart health.
In fact, one review reported that citrus flavonoids, including those found in lemons, may suppress inflammation, improve the function of the blood vessels, and support healthy cholesterol levels (13).
Another study found that people who consumed lemons daily had decreased blood pressure levels, especially when they also walked regularly (14).
Similarly, an analysis of nine studies showed that people who regularly consumed green tea had a lower risk of heart disease, heart attack, and stroke than those who didn’t drink green tea (15).
What’s more, a recent review of 24 studies also found that drinking green tea could help lower high systolic and diastolic blood pressure, both of which are risk factors for heart disease (16).
SummaryStudies have found that consuming both green tea and lemons is associated with improved heart health and reductions in several risk factors for heart disease.
5. Supports brain health
Although further research in humans is needed, some studies suggest that green tea and lemon may offer several potential benefits for brain health.
For instance, one review of eight studies found that drinking green tea was associated in some studies with a reduced risk of dementia and cognitive impairment (17).
Another study found that consuming green tea frequently could improve the metabolism of certain proteins involved in the development of Alzheimer’s disease (18).
Some test-tube and animal studies have also found that certain compounds in citrus fruits may reduce inflammation, protect brain function, and prevent the buildup of plaque in the brain, which could contribute to Alzheimer’s disease (19).
SummaryDrinking green tea is linked to a lower risk of dementia, impaired brain function, and Alzheimer’s disease. Test-tube and animal studies also suggest that compounds found in lemons may improve brain function and protect against Alzheimer’s disease.
6. May boost immunity
Lemons are an excellent source of vitamin C, a water-soluble micronutrient with powerful antioxidant properties (20).
Vitamin C plays a central role in the immune system by decreasing inflammation and enhancing the function of immune cells (21).
Increasing your intake of vitamin C may also help treat and prevent many types of respiratory and systemic infections (21).
What’s more, some animal studies have found that certain compounds in green tea, such as EGCG, could improve immune function and protect against autoimmune disorders, including multiple sclerosis (22).
Both green tea and lemons are also rich in antioxidants, which help support a healthy immune system (23).
SummaryLemons are high in vitamin C, which can reduce inflammation and help treat and prevent infections. Certain compounds in green tea, such as EGCG, may improve immune function as well.
7. Increases energy levels
Green tea is a natural source of caffeine, which is a central nervous system stimulant that people often use to increase their energy levels (24).
Studies suggest that in addition to fighting fatigue, caffeine can enhance alertness and improve cognitive and physical functioning (25, 26).
Some studies have also shown that caffeine may improve athletic performance and increase endurance (27, 28).
Because green tea with lemon contains less caffeine than coffee or energy drinks, it may be a good option for those who are sensitive to the effects of high doses of caffeine (29).
SummaryGreen tea contains caffeine, which can decrease fatigue, enhance alertness, and improve cognitive and physical functioning.
8. May help prevent kidney stones
Kidney stones are hard mineral deposits that can form in the kidneys and cause symptoms such as pain, nausea, and frequent urination (30).
Drinking green tea with lemon is a great way to help prevent kidney stones from forming.
In fact, one large study found that drinking green tea was linked to a lower risk of developing kidney stones, especially among men (31).
The citric acid found in lemons may also help prevent kidney stones by increasing urine volume and binding to calcium oxalate. This prevents the accumulation of crystals that leads to kidney stone formation (32).
According to one review, consuming just 4 ounces (118 mL) of lemon juice per day could be beneficial for treating kidney stones (32).
SummaryDrinking green tea may be linked to a lower risk of kidney stones. Lemon juice also contains citric acid, which could help prevent kidney stones as well.
9. May help protect against cancer
Green tea and lemons may both possess powerful cancer-fighting properties.
Several test-tube studies suggest that certain compounds extracted from lemons could help prevent the growth and spread of cancer cells (33, 34, 35).
Some studies have also found that eating more citrus fruits may be associated with a lower risk of several types of cancer, including lung, stomach, esophageal, and breast cancers (36, 37, 38, 39).
Research has also linked green tea to a reduced risk of cancer. In particular, studies suggest that green tea may help protect against bladder, breast, colorectal, and prostate cancer cells (40, 41, 42, 43).
SummarySome studies suggest that lemons and green tea could reduce the growth and spread of several types of cancer cells.
10. Keeps you hydrated
Drinking green tea with lemon can be a great way to stay hydrated.
Hydration is essential for nearly every aspect of health. In particular, it’s essential for skin health, weight management, brain function, digestive health, and kidney function (44).
Drinking enough fluids each day may even help prevent a range of conditions, including kidney stones, headaches, and constipation (44).
SummaryDrinking green tea with lemon can help you stay hydrated, which could help support many aspects of health.
How to make it
Making green tea with lemon at home is very simple.
To get started, bring about 1 cup (237 mL) of water to a boil, remove it from the heat, and let it cool for 2–3 minutes before pouring it into a cup.
Next, add a green tea bag and let it steep for 1–3 minutes. If you’re using loose-leaf tea instead, add about 1 tablespoon (2 grams) using a tea ball or infuser.
Finally, add some fresh lemon juice by squeezing up to half of a lemon directly into your tea.
You can enhance the flavor even more with ingredients such as honey, cinnamon, ginger, or fresh mint.
Enjoy 3–5 cups per day to stay hydrated and maximize the potential health benefits of green tea with lemon.
SummaryGreen tea with lemon is easy to make at home by brewing green tea and adding freshly squeezed lemon juice.
The bottom line
Green tea with lemon may come with several health benefits.
In particular, it could promote weight loss, help you stay hydrated, increase your energy levels, and support the health of your brain, heart, and immune system.
Best of all, it’s also delicious and easy to prepare at home using just a few simple ingredients.
Just one thing
Try this today: Drinking a cup of green tea with lemon first thing in the morning is a great way to get your day going. You can also try drinking it between meals alongside a healthy snack.